Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dolphin & Cat Share a Kiss...

Seeing this video of a dolphin and a cat share a **KISS** just made my day! The affection between them just warms my heart. If you read the entire article (video/article link below), it appears the dolphin and cat are no longer with us...However, I am happy that this encounter was captured on video. Please enjoy, and surprise someone you love with a kiss today. XOX!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lasagna Coma!

OMGoodness! Friends, have you ever wanted to eat yourself into a LASAGNA STUPOR, get in bed & call it a day? Ha ha ha ha. 

Look at this...
Well, it's Sunday and I don't have to punch a clock, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. NOW!
This is my piece...

You didn't really believe that did you? It takes a lot more than that for me to get a "stupor" going! I'd better get started!

Meet you back here later this week...
In the meantime, enjoy your Sunday.
God Bless & XOX

Friday, April 8, 2011

Collage Obsession: Casanova

I had the pleasure of choosing this week’s theme at Collage Obsession, and it’s Giacomo Girolamo CasanovaOh, how he fascinates me!

I’ve had so much fun reading his memoir, History of My Life (Volumes 1 & 2). Depending upon the passage, I’ve either been charmed, shocked, or absolutely disgusted by him! (Between us, I haven’t read every page yet…I’ve jumped to the juicy parts! For those interested, at the end of this post, I will provide a link so you may purchase the book.)

So, without further ado, let us pretend we are in the 18th century…and we are looking in on something that one of Casanova’s loves may have said:

Reminders of you grace my dresser...

What glorious times we spent together...
Remember the quill pen you purchased just for me ... to write you?

Stolen moments here...


My scrapbook pages are filled with tales of you...

 Your love letters always soothed my heart.

You never signed your name (to be discreet), but your lovebird seal left no question...We are lovebirds for life.

My seduction is complete.


Here are some closeups of the scrapbook pages:
(click photos for even closer views)

Here are some details about the artwork:
  • I loved arranging the first vignette. That’s a real quill pen to the left of Casanova’s portrait.
  • I wrote “Casanova’s love letter” using the quill pen. (Italian ink & bottle used not shown)
  • “Lovebird” seal was made/sealed using traditional letter sealing wax.
  • Photos of Italy were taken by my husband (on our trip).
  • I cropped & added “effects” to the photos (using iPhoto).
  • Fancy coach stamped & embossed with A La Mode gold embossing powder (stamp by Oxford Impressions).
  • Scrapbook paper by Bo Bunny (“Timepiece Moments”)

Thanks so much for letting me share all this with you. I had so much fun! 

Ciao, my friends! XX

P.S. You may buy Casanova's memoir (Vol. 1 & 2) by clicking : right here. However, prepare yourself: it is only the beginning. There are 6 double volumes!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Wow, what happened to the month of March?

I think I s-n-e-e-z-e-d (Spring allergies), and it just BLEW AWAY! LOL. Have you been there? 

Seems like I’ll be playing catch up for a while on many things: art challenges, blog entries, etc… I still have dreams that I’m excited about for 2011 (listed here), and that’s what keeps me going! How about you? 

Thrive, God Bless & XOX!

(Photo: ©istockphoto/mrpliskin)

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